Walkers braved scorching temperatures to raise money for charity with the annual Oxfam Walk4Water.

The walk took place in Sandridge, with walkers setting out early in the day on Saturday, September 9, including Mayor of St Albans Cllr Anthony Rowlands.

Young people from the 4th St Albans Scouts joined the walk, raising more £300 so far, while Herts Asian Women's Association (HAWA), not only walked but also brought along samosas for everyone to enjoy.

Homemade cakes were also sold to raise money, and local businesses donated prizes for a raffle.

A spokesperson for the Oxfam St Albans Fundraising Team said: "The team relies on a host of wonderful volunteers to help on the day, manning checkpoints and helping in the scout hut.


"As I write this the money raised stands at nearly £1,900! Given that the extreme heat prevented many from walking and all walkers had started several hours earlier than usual this is fantastic."

Next year's walk will take place on September 14 in Heartwood Forest. Options for the walk start at 2.5 miles and go up to 20 miles - so there is something for everyone.

Anyone who would like to get involved can email oxfamstalbans.w4w@gmail.com.