The month of September was sunny and warm with less rain than average, according to weather experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden.

Rainfall was 32.8mm, which is 24.83mm below average.

There were 10 days with 0.2mm or more of rain and one day with over 5mm.

The most rain fell on September 23 with 14.2mm.

In the second week of the month there was a dry period, starting on the 7th, with 15 rain-free days.

There were 185.2 hours of sunshine which is 41.81 hours above average. There were no days without sunshine and the most recorded was 10.5 hours on the 19th.

The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 19.5 °C (+1.23°C) and 9.8 °C (-0.13°C) respectively. The highest daytime temperature was 28.5 ºC on the 15th and is the highest recorded maximum temperature for September since records began in 1878.

The lowest temperature at night was 4.9 ºC on the 1st.

There were two ground frosts recorded.