February was warm, sunny and very wet with some snow.

Rainfall was above average with 127.0 mm with 23 days with over 0.2 mm and eight days with more than 5.0 mm, according to Rothamsted Research.

The greatest rainfall was on February 15 with 21.6 mm.

It snowed in the morning of the 27th.

Sunshine hours for February were 92.3 hours. Five days were without sunshine and the sunniest day had almost eight hours on the 6th. The mean, maximum and mean minimum temperatures were above average with 9.6ºC (+2.65) and 3.2ºC (+2.31) respectively.

The lowest minimum was -2.4ºC on the 6th, and the highest maximum was 13.2ºC on the 23rd.

There were three air frosts and 10 ground frosts. It was the second wettest February on record since 1853.