January in St Albans was warm and wet with less sunshine than is usual for this time of year.

The rainfall was above average with 24 days of rain and on six of those there was more than 5mm.

The rainiest day was January 14 with over 20mm.

Within the month, the sun shone for just over 59 hours - which is below average for January.

The sunniest day was January 19 which saw almost seven hours of sun.

There were nine days with no sunshine.

The hottest day of the month was January 14, with a temperature of 12.7C.

January 21 had the lowest recorded temperature which was -1.7C.

There were three air frosts and 11 ground frosts.

The mean maximum temperature for January was 8.9C and the minimum was -1.7C, which are both above average for this time of year.