The month of October was cloudy and wet in the St Albans district, according to weather experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden.

There was less than average sunshine, cool days and warm nights.

Rainfall was 198.4mm which is 116.72mm above average.

There were 27 days with 0.2mm or more of rain and 9 with over 5mm.

The greatest fall was 61mm which fell on the 2nd of the month.

Sunshine was below average with 70.9 hrs (average for October is 111.7); the most was 6.6 hours on the 11th.

There were five days without any sunshine.

The October mean maximum temperature was below average at 13.8 ºC (-0.26) and mean minimum was above average at 7.9ºC (+0.82).

The highest temperature was 17.7 ºC on the 8th and the lowest was 3.9 ºC on the 27th.

There were six ground frosts also.