March in St Albans and Harpenden was warm and sunny with below average rainfall, according to data from Rothamsted Research.

Rainfall was below average with 43.8mm recorded. There were 17 days with 0.2mm or more of rain, and three days with more than 5mm.

The rainiest day was 11mm on Monday, March 9.

Meanwhile sunshine was above average, with 166.4 hours, and the sunniest day was March 25 with 11.1 hours of sunshine – although the lockdown meant residents were unable to go out and enjoy the sun.

In March there were two days in total without sunshine.

The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average, at 10.6°C and 2.7°C respectively. The highest maximum temperature was 15.1°C on March 24, and the lowest minimum was -1.4°C on March 25.

During the month there were four air frosts and 15 ground frosts.