There was a cocktail of weather conditions in the St Albans district over December.

There was a mix of sunshine and mild temperatures, and above average rainfall due to snow and sleet, weather experts Rothamsted Research said.

It snowed twice, one period started on Sunday, December 10, which settled and lasted until Sunday, December 14.

The other was on Sunday, December 27, which settled, but dissolved after a day.

Rainfall was 41.25mm above average, and there were nine days with at least 5mm. The most rainfall was 23mm, recorded on Sunday, December 10.

Sunshine was above average with 57.4 hrs, 4.4 hours above average for the month. The most sunshine was 6.6 hours on the Monday, December 28, and there were 11 days with no sunshine.

The highest maximum temperature was 12.8C on Wednesday, December 30 and the lowest minimum was -6.3C on Tuesday, December 12, which was the coldest night of the year.