December was warm for the time of year with above average rainfall and below average sunshine, according to weather experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden.

Rainfall was 76.2mm, which is 0.58mm above average. We had 24 days where at least 0.2mm of rain was recorded, five of these with at least 5mm. The most was 20.8mm on the 24th.

Sunshine was below average with 23.5 hrs which is -37.31 hours below average. The most sunshine was 5.8 hours on the 2nd. We had 14 days with no sunshine recorded.

December had above average mean maximum and minimum temperatures. The mean maximum was 8.6°C (+1.16) and the mean minimum was 3.9°C (+1.94). The highest temperature was 14.2°C on the 29th and the lowest minimum was -2.5°C on the 22nd.

There were five air frosts and nine ground frosts.