August was warm and very wet with below average sunshine, according to weather experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden.

Rainfall was above average with 172 mm (+108.27 mm). We had 15 days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, nine of which had more than 5.0 mm; the most was 42.8 mm on the 13th, highest recorded daily rainfall in August, followed closely by the second highest daily rainfall for August of 41.2 mm on 15th. This August is the wettest recorded since rainfall records began in 1853.

The mean maximum and minimum temperatures were above average with 23.0 ºC (+1.39 °C) and 14.1 ºC (+2.31 °C) respectively. The highest temperature was 33.8 ºC on the 7th. The lowest temperature was 7.8 ºC on the 4th.

Sunshine was below average with 169.2 hours (-27.01 hours). There was three days without sun and the sunniest day was the 11th with 12.0 hours.