According to experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden, April was sunny and dry with close to average temperatures.

Rainfall was 20.8 mm, which is 33.19 mm below average. We had sight days with 0.2 mm or more of rain. The wettest day was the 6th with 9.3 mm.

Sunshine was above average with 197.5 hours (+25.44 hours); the most was 12.0 hours on the 21st and there were two days without sunshine.

The average maximum temperature was above average at 14.2 ºC (+0.78°C); while the average minimum was below average at 4.1 °C (-0.41°C). The warmest day was the 15th which reached 21.2 ºC, and the coldest night was on the 3rd when it dropped to -3.0ºC.

We had five air frosts and 15 ground frosts.