April in the St Albans district was sunny and mainly dry with lots of rain in the last week, according to weather experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden.

Rainfall was 54.1 mm which is 3.66 mm below average.

There were eight days with 0.2 mm or more of rain, and three days with more than 5mm. The wettest day was the 28th with 14.8 mm.

This April was warm for this time of year and the second sunniest on record.

Sunshine was above average with 243.1 hours the most was 12.9 hours on the 22nd and only one day without sunshine.

The average maximum and minimum temperatures were above average at 16.6 ºC and 4.7 °C.

The warmest day was the 12th which reached 23.7 ºC, and the coldest night was on the 1st when it dropped to -2.9 ºC.

April had two air frosts and nine ground frosts.