Find out about the musical version of The Addams Family in the next edition of the St Albans Podcast:

Host Danny Smith is joined by Charlotte Gregory and Nigel Harvey from Harpenden Musical Theatre Company. They are starring in The Addams Family, on at the Harpenden Public Halls from October 8-12. Danny will be finding out all the spooky shenanigans going on in the latest musical from one of our established local musical theatre groups. More information can be found at on the show, resident theatre correspondent David Widdowson from Ovo Theatre will be perusing the latest offerings from the local theatre scene.

Podcast producer Sam Rolfe and local character Margie Skinner also appear with another Hot Topic - a light-hearted look at a weird and wonderful news story from somewhere around the world.

Danny will also be joined by intrepid duo Byline Laura and Middle Spread Matt to look at local news stories from St Albans and beyond.

The next episode is available from Wednesday October 9 at 7pm.