Problematic speed bumps are being removed from Verulamium Park at a cost of £10,000 after the district council has admitted they were causing difficulties for wheelchair users.

Diggers were seen on site from Tuesday taking up the bumps, which were installed last Autumn to slow down cyclists using the path that runs between King Harry Lane and where the cycle and pedestrian paths cross.

As a result of concerns raised by wheelchair users that they could not access this stretch of path, the council has been liaising with the St Albans District Access Group and commissioned an independent safety audit. The audit recommended reducing the gradient of the four sets of bumps or removing them altogether.

Council leader Julian Daly said: “These speed bumps were installed as a measure to limit the speed of cyclists using the paths and were designed with the safety of all users in mind.

“However, it is not right that this prevents some people from using this part of the park. We have taken advice from safety engineers and decided it is best to remove the bumps from the path altogether.”