When spring comes round again, users of Open Door, the night shelter for the homeless in the city centre, will have good reason for thanking competitors in a best garden competition.

For some of the money raised at the Roads in Bloom competition, organised by David Glanville for residents of the area around Alma Road, St Albans, was donated to the charity in Bricket Road.

With staff and volunteers, the Open Door service users decided that it would be appropriate to use the donated funds to improve the outdoor garden facilities at the night shelter.

They painted the fence, tidied the garden area and incorporated some planting before they were taken to Ayletts Nursery by MD Adam Wigglesworth and given a round table and six individual chairs with cushions at cost price.

It has already been put together and is in regular use as is a wooden bench for smokers to use outside.

Mayor of St Albans, Cllr Frances Leonard, launched the new garden and furniture and praised all those involved in the project. She said: “Everyone has worked so hard to create a pleasant garden that provides a peaceful place for people using Open Door to relax and enjoy.

“This would not have been possible without volunteers giving up their time to transform the garden and donations from the local community.”

Former St Albans MP Kerry Pollard, founder of Open Door, added: “We get huge support from a very generous St Albans community, schools, churches and individuals- and from our dozens of volunteers - a real team effort that works.