Three homes could be built on Noke Shot in Harpenden under plans by St Albans district council.

A planning committee will this week decide whether to allow the council to go ahead with the project.

The four-bedroom homes would be built at the rear of 42 and 44 Noke Shot and council officers have recommended granting the proposal planning permission.

A report to the committee reads: “The proposal would result in the creation of three new dwellings. This benefit is afforded significant weight.

“The proposal would not result in any harm that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefit of providing three additional units within the district.”

Residents had objected to the proposal, saying it will block light to their property, but officers concluded there would be no detrimental loss of light.

To see the proposal, go to and search for 5/2018/2594 in the planning section.