According to experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden, January was dry and sunny with close to average temperatures.

Rainfall was well below average with 23.4mm.

There were 16 days with 0.2mm or more of rain and 2 had more than 5.0mm. The most on one day was 6.5mm recorded on the 2nd.

Sunshine was well above average with 86.3 hours; the most was 7.3 hours on the January 31.

Seven days had no sunshine. January was the fifth sunniest in their records which began in 1891.

January’s mean maximum temperature was above average at 7.6 °C and the minimum was below average at 0.8 °C.

The warmest day reached 13.6 °C on January 1 and the coldest temperature was -5.0 °C on January 6.

There were 13 air frosts and 19 ground frosts of which 7 were below -6.0 °C.