RAINFALL for May was lower than the same time last year but it was still a very wet month compared to the average. Weather statistics from Rothamsted in Harpenden show that rainfall in this area in May was above average with 87mms which was 37.3mm above t

RAINFALL for May was lower than the same time last year but it was still a very wet month compared to the average.

Weather statistics from Rothamsted in Harpenden show that rainfall in this area in May was above average with 87mms which was 37.3mm above the mean.

There were 14 days with 0.2mm or more of rain and six days with more than 5mm. The heaviest rainfall was 28.66mm or more than one inch on Bank Holiday Monday, May 26.

Sunshine was slightly below average at 193.2 hours compared to the monthly average of 194.9 and the sunniest day with 13.9 hours was Tuesday, May 6. There were three days with no sunshine at all.

The average maximum temperature was 17.98 degrees, up 2.23 degrees on the mean. The minimum was also up at 8.76 degrees, up 2.44 degrees.

The warmest day was Sunday, May 11, when temperatures reached 24.6 while the lowest temperature was 1.5 degrees on the night of Tuesday, May 20.

There were five ground frosts but no air frosts.