A MONTH-long Christmas campaign by police to combat drink and drug driving got underway last week.

Herts Police officers have been told to carry out breath tests and, where relevant, field impairment tests on all drivers involved in any road collisions they are called to attend.

They will also be looking for suspicious driving and will stop and check anyone suspected of committing a driving offence as part of their usual patrols.

The campaigns runs until January 1 and Chief Inspector Donna Pierce from the Road Policing Strategic Unit said: “Last year’s campaign saw an increase in those arrested for driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs – anyone tempted to do so this year can rest assured they will be targeted by officers in the same way.”

She urged people going out for a Christmas drink to arrange a safe way to get home and not to take a chance on being under the legal limit: “Any amount of alcohol affects your reactions and not only could you ruin your Christmas, lose your licence and even your job, you could seriously injure or kill yourself, someone close to you or somebody else’s loved one.”