The Herts Advertiser’s exclusive report revealing that chunks of the infamous Berlin Wall could be used as avant garde appendages to the barbie area of local nightspot Batchwood Hall were initally laughed off as a belated April’s Fool.

But this week the reality of the situation came home to roost for residents and civic campaigners, as they launched vitriolic attacks on the scheme, which they deemed to be totally out of keeping with the area, ahead of a planning committee meeting to determine its merits.

Quite why this oddball idea has come so close to becoming a reality is unknown, as attempts by this paper to contact Batchwood’s management team have thus far proved fruitless.

So we are left scratching our heads in disbelief at perhaps the district’s most madcap planning application - ever.

After all, as objectors point out, there’s no obvious link between a Cold War barrier which once bisected the German capital and a somewhat cheesy club at a Victorian manor house which was built by the controversial Lord Grimthorpe.

Even the logistics of shifting concrete blocks 3.6m high into place at the barbecue area have to beggar belief, and once in situ they will unquestionably prove an incongruous addition to the estate.

However, let’s take a moment to reflect on this scheme instead of dismissing it out of hand. Maybe we should be congratulating whoever devised this installation for their boldness and creative vision? Who is to say that in years to come our descendants will not display a grateful pride for the addition of these historic artefacts to the district, with tourist coaches descending upon the site packed with visitors determined to have their pictures taken next to Batchwood’s own Berlin Wall?

We will reserve judgement for now, as ultimately it will be up to council planners to make the final decision and determine... is it art?