Early this morning I felt like getting out somewhere near woods and water and realised I hadn’t been to Stanborough Lakes since before the lockdown.

The blue sky was reflected in the shimmering water where Canada geese and ducks swam under the eye of a preening heron. I even saw a human swimmer, and of course a few fishermen taking ‘time out.’ Oh, the peace of it, as one could easily shut out the background sound of traffic.

Why not, instead of trying to find a free parking place near John Lewis – as we still have the Welwyn store – turn back to the lake?

Then I thought how fortunate we are in St Albans. Under the permanent gaze of the Abbey, there’s our own Verulamium lake, and acres of green to enjoy.

A bit further afield there’s Wheathamstead, such a pretty village, again with water and walks galore. We also have our parks, big and small: Highfield Park, Clarence Park, Greenwood Park, Heartwood Forest and lots more. Yes, and take this bit of Boris’s advice to try cycling and get a bit of weight off!

But you’re saying that even with a fantastic view, my problems don’t go away. My boutique, my soft play facility, my employment – you could extend the list – can’t bring me in enough money to exist now, what shall I do? I’ve booked to take a holiday in Spain in a few weeks’ time, shall I cancel it?

My suggestion is that when you are in a peaceful place…talk to God about it – and please don’t stop reading now.

You might not believe in any God, but Christians believe that the God who created all the natural beauty believes in you. He is generous enough to come to anyone who is desperate and bring peace in the midst of the storm.

More and more people are tuning in to Christian services online – it’s easy as there’s no need to show yourself. COVID-19 is definitely pushing people to investigate spiritual resources in their search for sanity. I would encourage you not to miss out…

Elspeth Jackman is a writer, broadcaster, artist and piano teacher, and a member of Christ Church, New Greens, St Albans.