February in our district was warm and wet along with above average sunshine, according to experts at Rothamsted Research.

Rainfall was above average with 79mm (+22.04).

There were 19 days with over 0.2mm and seven days with more than 5.0 mm.

The greatest rainfall was 13.9 mm on February 13.

Precipitation fell as sleet and snow on the 4th of the month and there were sleet, snow, and hail showers on 24th.

Sunshine was above average with 90.0 hours. (+3.82). We had three days without any sunshine and the most was 9.3 hours on the 27th.

The mean maximum and the mean minimum temperatures were above average with 9.9ºC (+2.36) and 3.0ºC (+1.50) respectively. The lowest minimum was -0.6ºC on the 26th, and the highest maximum was 14.1ºC on the 24th.

We had two air frosts and 14 ground frosts of which 2 were below -6.0 ºC.

February 2022 was the 8th warmest February since records began in 1878.