One of the more unexpected consequences of Covid has been the way it has changed our vocabulary, and the new topics of conversation which have emerged over the past year.

With multiple lockdowns and social distancing restrictions becoming commonplace, we've had to get used to a new normal in what have been unprecedented times. And yes, those terms are included!

"No, the traffic warden doesn't seem to be working today. Park where you like."
The council's "lighter touch" to street parking has meant we've not been so worried about visitor vouchers and having to move the car between a certain time of day.

"I want to buy a facemask from The Dressing Room."
We have to wear them, so why not style it up, maybe with some matching knitwear?

"The trip to Morrisons is literally the highlight of my day."
During the long periods when the Stay At Home message was hammered home nightly by politicians at the Downing Street press conference, being able to get away from the kids for half an hour and chat to school mums in the supermarket aisles kept many people sane.

"Are we actually two metres apart?"
Remember those debates about how far 2m actually was, and easiest ways to judge it? I haven't used metric since I was at school - couldn't the government have worked in feet and inches?

"I'm really worried about that new Kent variant."
Who would have thought Kent would be talked about on the world stage after producing its own special version of the virus?

"Sorry that's the cat being sick, just ignore it."
How many work Zoom calls included TMI about your pets or children?

"Fancy a pint from Verdi's? We can sit on a bench in Clarence Park..."
With pubs closed for much of the year, simple pleasures could be found in grabbing a takeaway lager in a plastic cup.

"Can I join your bubble?"
When before in history would a fully-grown adult ask you that question?

"The queue outside Marks & Spencer is going round the block, but I really need some Percy Pigs."
With so much more time on our hands, we've discovered being patient for life's little treats is a lot easier.

"What tier are we in again?"
Queue various newspaper headline puns relating to tears.

"Do you want to come and sit in my garden? You don't have to go through the house."
Being able to have visitors again is like, literally the most exciting thing since Christmas didn't happen.