Harpenden Cubs discussed shortening the school day to two hours and including sweets in school dinners in a mock Parliamentary debate.

Scouts from both packs of 10th Harpenden Cubs, based at Crabtree Field, took part in the debate, which was overseen by the town’s MP Bim Afolami.

Mr Afolami said: “I really enjoy doing this, not because I get to chair a debate, fun though that is. It’s because it’s important to support what makes Harpenden great: the community spirit that is everywhere in this town.”

The Cubs also put a series of questions to him, including whether he had a car which could go underwater, what his views were on a ban on shock collars for pets and who should be the next Arsenal manager.

Their leader, Chris, said: “The Cubs had a great opportunity to learn more about parliament and we’re grateful to Bim for attending such a memorable event.”