After any election campaign, it takes a while for politicians and pundits to move on from election fever.

Serious and important issues can sometimes seem overlooked as focus lingers on past and future elections.

The local elections have been no different. After so long in power, the Conservatives suffered a major defeat, winning fewer council seats than the Lib Dems for the first time since 1996.

They also lost another parliamentary by-election and had another defection to Labour. Westminster buzzed, "what does it mean for the General Election?!"

And yet, other serious issues were still being raised in Parliament, by campaign groups especially. One such group raised the challenges of tackling a particularly shocking problem.

So-called 'revenge porn' is the sharing of private, sexual materials, either photos or videos, of another person, without their consent and with the purpose of causing embarrassment or distress. The offence applies both online and offline.

It can happen to anyone but unsurprisingly it’s normally perpetrated by a man against a woman - and sometimes with devastating effects.

A number of brave women came to Parliament to share their experiences.

One of them was Georgia Harrison, star of TV’s Love Island. Her ex-boyfriend - who was jailed – had filmed them having sex, without her consent, and uploaded it to a website.

She spoke powerfully about how being a victim of revenge porn had made her feel scared, ashamed, and so ill with stress that she ended up in hospital.

She said that she suddenly found herself ‘involved in the porn industry’, something she never ever wanted to do.

'Revenge porn' is already a criminal offence, but it’s on the rise. What’s worse, loopholes in existing law mean that thousands of websites containing intimate image abuse material cannot be forcibly removed from the internet.

Part of the campaign is to close these legal loopholes, but another part is to raise awareness.

So, if you or someone you know is a victim, please know that this isn't your fault, and you haven't done anything wrong.

The Revenge Porn Helpline provides expert support for adult victims of intimate image abuse.

Whilst MPs need to close the legal loopholes, everyone affected should know that help and support is there – if they need it.

For more details on how to access support visit, or for free, confidential, and non-judgemental advice you can call the helpline on 0345 6000 459.