A ukulele group in St Albans raised £2,000 for a mental health charity with two sold-out Pink Floyd gigs.

The Ver Players performed 'Dark Side of the Uke' at the Roman Theatre in St Albans and St Leonard’s church in Flamstead.

They were raising money for Mind in Mid Herts in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Pink Floyd’s best-selling The Dark Side of the Moon album.

Stephen Wragg, who runs Ver Players, said: "It’s so wonderful that we’re able to raise money and make a difference while doing something we love so much.

"And with Pink Floyd’s focus on themes of mental health and anxiety, it made total sense to partner with Mind in Mid Herts, who do such wonderful work."


Mental health issues have risen since the pandemic, with around one in 100 having severe problems at some stage.

Despite supporting almost 2,000 people last year - a 60 per cent increase since 2019 - the mental health charity said funding has not seen a similar rise.

Emma Fullerton-Frost of Mind in Mid Herts said: "We can’t thank Ver Players enough for the fabulous concerts, as well as their performance at our own Christmas fundraiser last year – thank you."