St Albans Tour Guides welcomed Mayor Cllr Geoff Harrison to their annual general meeting last month, held at Verulamium Musem.

The mayor, who is a patron of the tour guides, thanked them for their role as representatives of the city and its famous features.

As mayor, Cllr Harrison has been able to build on relationships with St Albans' twin towns - most recently Fano in Italy, which has a similar Roman heritage to Verulamium.

St Albans Tour Guides work across the city in collaboration with the Cathedral, the Clock Tower Clockateers, the museum teams and Arc & Arc (St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural & Archaeological Society).


The guides assist the museum with weekly gallery talks and tours throughout the year, as well as welcoming visitors to the Roman Theatre.

They also provide a wide range of public walks, along with private walks and talks around the city and wider district.

On 90-minute guided walks, visitors can discover the history of the city centre and the Roman city of Verulamium, as well as the medieval, Tudor and Victorian periods, stories of battle, crime and punishment and the history of old pubs and inns.

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