The resident of a council house has described the potentially harmful black mould affecting the property that she lives in.

Verity Gibbons, of Harpenden, is a mum of three who is currently living with mould in the house that she rents from St Albans City and District Council.


Verity believes that the mould is having a negative impact on her health and the health of her children.

Verity told The Herts Advertiser that a doctor has confirmed to her that this is the case.

She said: "Me and my children have been ill every other month, for many years now.

Herts Advertiser: Verity told The Herts Advertiser that pieces of the ceiling would fall into the bath whilst washing.Verity told The Herts Advertiser that pieces of the ceiling would fall into the bath whilst washing. (Image: Verity Gibbons / Canva)

"The mould situation was here when I moved into this property. Basically we keep getting flu-like symptoms, colds and I've got skin issues.

"I've got an underlying blood condition now, where my blood isn't clotting properly.

"I'm assuming it could possibly be to do with the mould...

"It's affecting me massively, and my children, they're missing out on school.

"I can't find the mentality to look for a job at the moment because I'm just constantly ill, so no employer is going to want to employ someone who is constantly off.

"It's stalling our lives basically."

Speaking of a visit from a mould surveyor, Verity continued: "They measured the moisture in the air, and actually said it's damper in my house than it is outside.

"That's why the mould is building up. The other issue was that the radiators in my house are not working, they're all busted.

"So, the heating isn't even working in the house properly.

"Over those coldest months, I was without heating and we were absolutely freezing through the winter."


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A spokesperson for St Albans City and District Council said: "Our surveyor visited the property on January 30 to make an inspection following reports of a damp issue.

"He raised a work order to make good the ceiling and various other repairs to the bathroom. 

"As is standard practice, our contractor requested an asbestos test be undertaken, given the age of the building, so that the repair works can take place. 

"Once that has been received, our contractor will be returning to undertake the necessary works, hopefully by the end of February - subject to this being convenient to the tenant.”