A Wheathampstead primary school has been rated as 'good' in its latest inspection by the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted).

Beech Hyde Primary School and Nursery, on Nurseries Road, has also appointed a new permanent headteacher Karen Thomas.


Karen had temporarily taken on the role for two terms, prior to her permanent appointment.

She said: "I have felt instantly at home at Beech Hyde and have fallen in love with its community’s pride, passion and ethos.

"It is a place where the individual comes first and where everyone matters.

"I feel privileged to be able to lead the school as it continues on its journey, ensuring all our children have a school life that is a happy and fulfilling one."

Beech Hyde had previously been rated as 'inadequate' in February 2017. 

However, the school's first Ofsted report since this verdict detailed a supporting culture at the school.

The report states: "Everyone is expected to share and be kind. Children in Reception learn about this through role play.

"Pupils do not see bullying as an issue. They are tolerant and respectful towards each other.

"Pupils regularly learn about other cultures and faiths, democracy, and celebrating difference.

"Any pupil who arrives at the school is quickly made to feel welcome.

"There is the same, typically high, ambition for everyone. All pupils are included in lessons, as learning is well adapted to meet their needs.

"On rare occasions when behaviour needs to be challenged, this is done in a calm but firm way. Pupils get opportunities to develop their talents and interests.

"These include being part of the eco warriors club or the school council."

Learning is also praised at the school, with the report adding: "Generally, pupils learn well.

"They connect the knowledge they gather over time. This is because teachers support them to do this through well-sequenced plans for learning.

"Teachers model learning, give clear explanations and ensure pupils understand subject-specific words."

Further information can be found via the School's full Ofsted report, here.