The month of September was relatively cloudy and wet with close to average air temperatures according to weather experts at Rothamsted Research in Harpenden.

Rainfall was 77.9mm, which is 20.14mm above average. There were 16 days with 0.2mm or more of rain and five days with over 5mm. The most was 14.3mm on the 30th.

There were 127 hours of sunshine which is 23.73 hours below average. There was sunshine on every day and the most recorded was 11.1 hours on the 17th.

The mean maximum temperature was below average at 18.5 °C (-0.05 °C) and the mean minimum was above average at 10.6 °C (+0.42 °C). The highest (daytime) temperature was 24.7 ºC on the 12th. The lowest (night) temperature was 4.5 ºC on the 29th.

There were four ground frosts recorded.