Oliver and Charlotte top the list of St Albans’ most popular baby names of last year.

According to the Office for National Statistics, 26 babies were named Oliver in St Albans last year, which was also the most popular boys' name in England and Wales.

The name Sebastian came in second place, with 18 born last year, followed by William with 16.

There were 17 baby Charlottes born in the district, with Olivia - the most popular girls' name in England and Wales - in joint third place alongside Emily and Sophie.

The top 10 boys' names in St Albans were Oliver, Sebastian, William, Alexander, Thomas, Harry, Henry, Leo, Benjamin and Edward.

The top 10 girls' names were Charlotte, Grace, Emily, Olivia, Sophie, Emilia, Florence, Lily, Eva and Evelyn.

In 2017 the most popular names in St Albans were Thomas and Olivia.