SIR — Your correspondent, Mr Rob Clother from Forest Hill (Herts Advertiser, August 14) wrote gloomily of the rubbish left by visitors to Verulamium Park one weekend in July. Litter louts rightly annoy residents and visitors alike. Partly in the hope of r

SIR - Your correspondent, Mr Rob Clother from Forest Hill (Herts Advertiser, August 14) wrote gloomily of the rubbish left by visitors to Verulamium Park one weekend in July.

Litter louts rightly annoy residents and visitors alike. Partly in the hope of reassuring your correspondent, I took myself off on a run round Verulamium Park early last Sunday evening to see if the weekend users had left careless evidence of their visits. Hardly any litter was to be seen.

Then to Clarence Park which, in mid-afternoon, had been venue to a well-attended family concert supported by the St Albans District Council. Again it was gratifyingly free of any unwanted detritus from the earlier throng.

Maybe I was lucky or just myopic but it struck me that these two much-loved parks were in good nick with such rubbish as had been discarded quickly cleared by an efficient band of park rangers.


Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement and Support.