SIR - Whatever has happened to balanced reporting and environmental awareness? There may be a school of thought whose hopes are dashed by the withdrawal of funding for the development of the Oaklands Campus, completing as it would the change of land use b

SIR - Whatever has happened to balanced reporting and environmental awareness?

There may be a school of thought whose hopes are dashed by the withdrawal of funding for the development of the Oaklands Campus, completing as it would the change of land use by stealth over the last 25 years from farming. They should know that every cloud has a silver lining. Just perhaps the realisation will have time to mature that a go-ahead would mean prime farming land being destroyed forever and the east side (if not all) of St Albans facing intolerable traffic congestion.

Local authorities seem hell bent on ignoring brownfield land-fill areas within the immediate vicinity that, on environmental and moral grounds, would be better sitings for development. I am staggered I find myself congratulating those taking the decision and just perhaps the community may find a more holistic approach to reconciling its needs and protecting the environment for the long term once the dust settles.


Rowan Close

St Albans