SIR – When Anne Main was elected as MP for the St Albans constituency there were some who said that she couldn t represent local views if she had no base here. So following the Parliamentary Green Book rules she deals with that and buys a flat in the cent

SIR - When Anne Main was elected as MP for the St Albans constituency there were some who said that she couldn't represent local views if she had no base here.

So following the Parliamentary Green Book rules she deals with that and buys a flat in the centre of St Albans. Now she is pilloried for having her daughter staying there and local people say that they have never seen her there, and that her home in Beaconsfield is only 35 minutes drive away.

What happened to being green. Staying in the constituency means that she is on call for more hours than if she had to drive here first. We expect so much of our MPs now - they work far more hours than we do. How many people know if their neighbours are in or out at any time: precious few I expect. We contact each other by email, mobile phone and rarely go and knock someone's door unless we have a particular reason to see them.

Anne has been a very good MP. She takes up local issues, has them researched, speaks up in the House of Commons, asks questions and initiates debates. We have been very fortunate to have such a Member representing our interests.


Lancaster Road

St Albans

SIR - I read with amazement the recent wrangling amongst the St Albans Conservatives Association about Mrs Anne Main. The various letters of support that have appeared in this newspaper may be right and I for one do not question Mrs Main's work on behalf of her constituents as I have never had need to call upon her services.

However there seems no doubt to me that she has used her parliamentary expenses to benefit her family to some degree and it is for this reason that I will not be voting for her in the coming election. It's as simple as that.


Swans Close

St Albans

SIR - It was with great sadness and surprise I read the headline 'Tory chairman in bid to oust MP' (Herts Advertiser, July 30) as Anne Main received a unanimous vote of confidence only six weeks ago.

I do not understand the method of the Chairman of the Association in apparently airing her views directly to the press without proper consultation with her own executive committee. In my opinion Anne Main has been a very good MP, working very hard for her contituents.

Supporters of the Conservative Party should all be working towards removing this current corrupt and useless government, and not any longer squabbling over who should be our MP.

It should not be forgotten the way the Labour Party handled the recent Norwich North bi-election. A lot of Labour supporters deserted the party because of the crass way it treated their MP. This could happen here if the Association continues to act in this way.

We should all acknowledge that Anne Main works hard for her constituents and look forward to her contiuing good work and being re-elected at the next General Election.


Watford Road

St Albans

SIR - In the USA a number of people opined that the bail out of the banks removes moral hazard and consequently they will repeat their greed and recklessness.

Not only have we experienced in this country the reckless speculation of the bankers but also the egregious peculation of our 'honourable' members of the mother of parliaments.

So, although it was gratifying that Seema Kennedy and Matt Peck, chairman and deputy of St Albans Conservatives Association, want the concept of moral hazard applied to our local MP, it is most discouraging that three-quarters of the 40 executive members do not want her to suffer the consequences of her thoroughly disreputable behaviour. And this from the party of law and order.


Rodney Avenue

St Albans