SIR — What is with the bus drivers in St Albans? On Tuesday morning last week after dropping my mother off at hospital I had to endure a driver of a PPH coach seeming to want to put his coach in my boot while waiting at two sets of traffic lights. I alway

SIR - What is with the bus drivers in St Albans? On Tuesday morning last week after dropping my mother off at hospital I had to endure a driver of a PPH coach seeming to want to put his coach in my boot while waiting at two sets of traffic lights. I always leave enough room between me and the car in front, as taught to do, in case they stall or breakdown and I can then pull out round them. That morning I originally did just that but because this PPH coach was so close to my boot I pulled forward a little only for the coach driver to do the same meaning he was still too close to my car.

While waiting at the traffic lights at the junction of Victoria Street, Lattimore Road and Upper Lattimore Road the lights were just turning green for those waiting in the Lattimore Roads when a UNO bus flew through the lights down Victoria Street. The lights must have been red on Victoria Street by then.

I continued to the lights at the junction of London Road and Lattimore Road where the driver of the PPH coach again pulled up too close to my boot for comfort and then sat behind me making the front of his coach go up and down in an intimidating manner.

Just because they're driving a bigger vehicle than most in St Albans they do not have the god-given right to drive and behave like idiots. There are enough morons on the roads speeding, using mobiles while driving etc without these public-service vehicle drivers doing the same. They have the lives of the fare-paying public in their hands.


Orchard Close, St Albans.