SIR - Regarding the letter under the caption Comeback from Cyclist (Herts Advertiser, July 2) I fail to understand what gives any cyclist the impression that the Alban Way is solely a cycle path. The signs displayed on the Alban Way clearly show that it

SIR - Regarding the letter under the caption 'Comeback from Cyclist' (Herts Advertiser, July 2) I fail to understand what gives any cyclist the impression that the Alban Way is solely a cycle path.

The signs displayed on the Alban Way clearly show that it is both a cycle path and a pedestian walkway. There is definitely a bias against cyclists who fail to possess or use a bell or even call out to indicate their approach. This is not only on the Alban Way but also on the city's pavements which have become dangerous to the very people for whom they were intended - pedestrians. Cyclists have the advantage of seeing before them and can take evasive action by slowing down and declaring their presence - a pedestrian needs eyes in the back of their heads. The Alban Way was never intended as a race track - jusrt slow down and let everyone enjoy this public amenity.

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