Latest articles from Jane Fookes

Pots of delight

IT’S a truth universally acknowldged that city centre gardens are likely to be small. Very small. Often shaded by other buildings and offering little scope for planting. No matter how much good soil, compost and fertiliser you dig in, nothing seems to thrive for long. What should be a delightful refuge turns into a bleak, unsightly patch before your eyes.

DIY goes environment-friendly

It’s the start of a busy time for DIY stores as many of us decide to tackle jobs around the home. It’s a good opportunity too to do our bit to safeguard the planet, thanks to the growing availability of environmentally-conscious products.

Flaunt your property assets!

You only get one chance to make a first impression as they say, so it has to be a good one. This is never truer than when you are selling your home.

Helpful tips on home security

Security-consciousness in the home not only protects our possessions, it safeguards us personally and impacts positively on our sense of well-being.

Are you sale-ready? Top tips for selling your St Albans home this summer!

With fewer homes coming on to estate agents’ books than there are eager buyers ready to snap them up, the St Albans area is currently a sellers’ hotspot. But if you are hoping to achieve the best price for your property it is still worth doing all you can to make your house sale-ready. Here are some inexpensive ways to do just that...