An artist hopes to build a riverside studio beside a mooring he has purchased for a houseboat.

Gregory Horswill has applied for a lawful development certificate to site the structure beside the River Wissey at Stoke Ferry, near Downham Market.

Mr Horswill says in his application he has recently bought an area of land beside the river.

"I purchased the plot primarily for its mooring facilities," he adds. "I am having a houseboat built in Poland to meet my personal requirements, which will hopefully be completed by the end of August 2024.

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"Although it is my intention to grow my own vegetables in a designated area which would not cause inconvenience to my neighbours, I would like to place on the plot , again in a designated area, a temporary outbuilding to use as my studio - I am a graphic artist."

He adds the timber building would not exceed 3M in width and 4M in length, and be powered by solar panels.